There are a number of treatments that may be used to ease the discomfort of a bunionette or eliminate the deformity. Normally, doctors begin treatment with conservative, non-invasive methods first.
Some nonsurgical treatments include:
- Wearing pads to protect the bump on the outside of the foot
- Toe aligners and orthotics to move the fifth toe back into place
- Switching to shoes with low heels and a wide toe box
- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications like ibuprofen and aspirin
- Cold packs and compresses for reducing swelling
- Ultrasound therapy
Surgery is typical reserved for for cases where the bunionette does not respond to nonsurgical interventions.
Surgical treatments include:
- Surgical removal of the bunionette, which involves removing bone and soft tissue
- Distal Osteotomy, where the fifth toe is repositioned and held in place with pins